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一品中国签证服务社,为您精心办理中国签证与领事认证,专业服务,价格公道,安全可靠,网上全程跟踪。 This page was created on January 28, 2006. The page format was last modified on Jan. 27, 2011. |
1. Can you describe the product? It is Chicken Manure, things produced by chicken (jifen) mixed with other organic stuff. It is the same product that Auchan used to sell (if you ever brought from Auchan). One bag is 50 lbs. 2. How does it smell? Well, as expected, it doesn't smell so good. But since it comes dry, the smell is much weaker than those rain soaked ones brought from Auchan. 3. What's the role of a coordinator? A coordinator is the people that makes things happen. He/she collects money, orders product from the company, takes delivery, and distributes the products to individuals. A coordinator is very busy on the day of delivery, because nobody wants to leave the products outside his door for extended time. 4. How is the price determined? The price consists of a base price and delivery fee, and varies with each order. For 2003-2005, it ranged from $2.40-$2.60/bag (tax included), which is cheaper than Auchan used to sell ($2.99/bag plus tax). After 2008, the price became higher ($2.9-3.1) due to higher transportation cost. A coordinator can change extra to compensate for his/her work. However, they had never charged extra in 2003-2005 despite of their hard work. They even pay money out of their pocket because some of our guys took extra bags but forgot paying. By using this online ordering system, it helps us keep track of things. To encourage people to become a coordinator, Pearland area decided to give each coordinator 10 bags as an appreciation in January 2006. 5. How can I be a coordinator? Contact us directly or post a message in the garden forum.