Analog TV broadcast to be turned off on Feb. 17, 2009

yp02 发表于 2006/01/09 17:12 一品 百草园 (

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Analog TV broadcast to be turned off on Feb. 17, 2009

Just days before year 2006 came, the Congress finally agreed on a bill that would mandate the transition to an all-digital world of telivesion. By Feb. 17, 2009, about three years from now, the analog TV broadcast will be turned off and your TV will not show any image on the screen unless you own an HDTV set or a set top converter box.

The bill past in Congress also authorized two $40 coupons for each family, to be used to purchase converter box.

Currently, all TV programs are simucasted in HDTV format, although the program may be originally produced in NTSC format and has only regular resolution. By stopping the analog broadcast, a large chunk of bandwidth can be freed so that they can be used for police, emergency, or cell phone, broadband video services.


HDTV timeline --- steve 2005/05/31 13:33 (8849 bytes)


Each family can get 2 $40-coupons --- jack 2008/07/11 21:32 (87 bytes)

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