zzt 发表于 2005/10/19 13:18 一品 百草园 (www.ywpw.com)
2001年10月的时候, msnbc有一篇文章很好的说明了原因.
那时候神2刚刚发生降落伞事故, 神3正在准备.
Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the House space and aeronautics subcommittee
"The space station is supposed to stand for something better, he said, referring to China's poor human rights record."
Charles Vick, a space policy expert at the Federation of American Scientists" Chinese spies on ISS are simply unacceptable. This is a very political issue for the U.S. Congress."
Dwayne Day,an expert in international space policy and a visiting fellow at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington
The trend today is toward international cooperation. If China chooses to remain independent of the international space station, they run the risk of being the kid bouncing the basketball on the edge of the playground while everyone else is in the game. China will not become part of the international space station program until they stop acting like China. They have to stop behaving like bullies before they will make any friends.
Normally, I'd suggest that China has as much chance of becoming a partner in ISS as a pig has of winning a bathing-suit contest.
Dwayne Day, 国际空间政策专家, 国家航太博物馆访问学者
"中国只有停止表现得像中国了, 才能参加国际空间站. 他们必须停止持强凌弱, 才会交上朋友.
正常情况下, 我觉得中国成为国际空间站伙伴的机会, 和猪在泳装比赛(选美)中胜出一样大."