鸡粪订购网开始测试, 欢迎参加 Co-op Shopping Chicken Manure

cai 发表于 2005/05/19 14:35 一品 美好家园 (www.ywpw.com)

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互助购物鸡粪订购网 Co-op Shopping Chicken Manure


Chicken manure is great for gardening. Since Auchan closed its door in Houston area in 2001, we no long have a convienient way of buying chicken manure. Fortunately, we can order directly from the same company that supplied their product to Auchan. The problem, however, is that the company does not accept small orders, so we have to pool individual orders together. For prompt delivery, it is best to order 720 bags at a time (a truck load). A partial order (240 bags or more) can be delivered, but not guaranteed, it depends on the existance of other partial orders in the same area.

This site is a place for pooling small orders together. How does it work? In each area, we need a coordinator, who is responsible for distributing the product to individuals. The coordinator can charge a fee, or decide to serve us for free. The role of this web site is to let people enter their order, send the list to the coordinator, and distribute information via email.

It is not officially open yet, you may try the functions now. The orders you placed will not count and will be removed.

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