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Dear HUSTAA members,

We had a board meeting and decided to have this Spring’s camping / the annual meeting/ picnic during the Easter weekend (April 6-8) at YEGUA CREEK PARK, the south side of Somerville Lake, the place to appreciate Texas state flowers. ( Yegua Creek Park: http://swf67.swf-wc.usace.army.mil/SOMERVILLE/ycp.htm and http://www.swf-wc.usace.army.mil/somerville/)

You may choose to:

1. Camping on April 6th and 7th, plus picnic/flower appreciation on April 8th; or

2. Camping on April 7th plus picnic/flower appreciation on April 8th; or

3. Just participate picnic/flower appreciation on April 8th.

The activity of April 8th will start at 11am. To leave enough time for you all to enjoy the Texas State Flower, we will have a short lunch, meeting, plus a children eggs hunting game at noon. A new board will be formed during the annual meeting, you are encouraged to run for the new board.

Fees for April 8th: $5 adults, $3 children, free for children 7 or under

Fees for camping: $12 per family for one-day camping, $18 per family for two-day camping

You and your family (+ friends) are cordially invited to join the spring camping/Picnic. Please response this announcement by telling us:

1. How many adults and children will come for April 8th picnic (by April 3rd )?

2. Whether your family will be on camping? Choice 1 or choice 2 (by March 25th)?We have already reserved the following sites, and we may need more。

An earlier response is appreciated.

Best Wishes,

Dongfang WANG, President

Yidao CAI, President-Elect

Greater Houston HUST Alumni Association


HustinHouston @ GMail . com


大休斯顿地区华中科技大学(原华中理工大学,同济医科大学,武汉城市建设学院,以及武汉职工大学)校友会理事会决定在今年德克萨斯州花最盛开的季节举办赏花、年会和露营活动。这次活动的地点取在欣赏州花的最佳地点Somerville Lake南侧的Yegua Creek Park(http://swf67.swf-wc.usace.army.mil/SOMERVILLE/ycp.htm and http://www.swf-wc.usace.army.mil/somerville/)。

我们在Yegua Creek Park已经预订了部分露营场地。校友们可以选择以下三个方案之一:

1. 参加4月6日和7日两天的露营活动,以及8日的赏花和年会(3月25日前报名)。

2. 参加7日一天的露营以及8日的赏花、年会(3月25日前报名)。

3. 参加8日(11时开始)的赏花和年会(4月3日前报名)。

为了保证露营场地和4月8日的食品饮料等,我们希望校友们按照前面的报名日期提前跟我们联系。收到理事会电子邮件的校友请通过电子邮件联系,尚未在校友会通讯系统中的校友请打电话给以下任一联系人:汪东仿(409-692-1321),陈勇军(832-279-7462),彭静 (281-286-7959),沈四九(713-394-6987),杨家骅(713-539-2144)。请讲明你的选择方案以及成人和孩子的参加人数,亦请同时告知我们你的联系电话及电子邮件地址。

今年的年会将在8日中午进行,新一届理事会将在年会上产生,我们热情欢迎理事会注入新鲜血液。为了给校友们留有足够的赏花时间,我们这次将事先为大家准备好中餐和饮料,省去烧烤的时间。由于4月8日是复活节,我们还专门为孩子们准备了一个捡蛋游戏。希望有孩子的校友一定不要忘了在报名时告知参加活动的孩子的人数,以便我们为他们准备篮子和彩蛋。校友们在报名以后将会得到这些活动的细则和指南。 参加露营的校友需要自备帐篷、椅子和儿童玩具等。

露营和年会是校友们交朋友,增进友谊的好机会。我们衷心期望校友们(包括你们的家人和朋友)踊跃参加,请大家互相转告。华中科技大学校友会网站:http://www.hust.org,大休斯顿地区校友会电子邮件联系地址:HustinHouston @ GMail . com


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